Current Projects
Mellon Grant Award: "Re-Storying the West for a Transformative Future: We Are Wyoming"
Primary Investigator, $850,000 over three years
This grant will fund a state-wide storywork project extending out to at least 20 Wyoming communities. A team of faculty and graduate students will adapt a range of oral history/public humanities methods for the purposes of supporting everyday citizens in telling about their own lived experiences in the state. Initial press release is available here.
Manuscripts in Process
Single Author
Small, N. Estelle Reel [working title]: Monograph using a braided methodology and deep archival research to consider an early proto-feminist’s accomplishments and implications at the state and national levels. Book-length project intended for Series in Rhetorics and Feminisms, Parlor Press. Current draft is ~55,000 words
Small, N. Pantaloonatics of Wyoming: Rhetoric and Public Memory [working title]: Monograph blending memory, storytelling, interviews with contemporary women, and rhetorical analysis of women’s suffrage symbolism. Book-length project intended for Utah State University Press. Current draft is ~28,000 words
Small, N. Braided art: rhetorical craft. Intended for Writers: Craft and Context. Planned for review summer 2024. Completed manuscript is ~10,000 words/36 pgs
More on my in-process monographs is available via this link.
Small, N. & Gernant, A. Sustained role-playing games for cultivating critical empathy. Accepted for publication in L. Blankenship & E. Leake (Eds.) Empathy and the Other: Difference, Connection, and the Teaching of Writing. Accepted, in process
Acosta, K., Cowan, M., Rickly, R., Sinor, S., Small, N., & Stone, E. M. Positionality in Writing Studies Research: Pedagogies and Practices for Relational Accountability. Proposal accepted by Practices and Possibilities, CSU Press/WAC Clearinghouse. Compiled manuscript scheduled for review in early fall 2024
Kinney, K., Small, N. & Stewart, J. Both/And in Wyoming: Dislocation, uncertainty, and expanding masters-level graduate assistantships in composition and rhetoric. Under revision
Fishman, J., LaFrance, M., Rickly, B., & Small, N. Unsettling Stories: A Feminist Narrative Inquiry [working title]. In process. Book-length, co-authored. Currently ~20,000+ words