Research & Publications
Small, N. (2022). A rhetoric of becoming: USAmerican women in Qatar. Studies in Rhetorics and Feminisms. Parlor Press.
Small, N. & Longo, B. (Eds.) (2022). Transnational research in technical communication: Stories, realities, and reflections. Studies in Scientific and Technical Communication. SUNY UP.
Chapters & Articles
Small, N. (2022). Importing lessons from Qatar: Towards a research ethic in transnational and intercultural communication. In N. Small & B. Longo (Eds.) Transnational research in technical communication: Stories, realities and reflections (pp. 183-212). Studies in Scientific and Technical Communication. SUNY UP.
Small, N. (2022). Reading for the weaver: Amplifying agency through a material rhetoric methodology. Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, 27(1).
Small, N. (2022). Localize, adapt, reflect: A review of recent research in transnational and intercultural TPC. In J. Schreiber & L. Melonçon (Eds.), Assembling critical components: A framework for sustaining technical and professional communication (pp. 269-295). Colorado State University Press.
Patton, T. & Small, N. (2021). Making waves: Maxine Waters and her challenge to black women’s erasure and white hegemony. In M. N. Goins, J. F. McAlister, & B.K. Alexander (Eds.), Routledge handbook of gender and communication (pp. 243-58). Routledge.
Small, N. (2020). From commemoration to co-memoration as feminist practice. Peitho: Journal of the Coalition of Feminist Scholars in the History of Rhetoric & Composition, 22(2).
Small, N. (2017). “I hate FB, but I can't quit looking at it”: Identity management, agency, and tensions in social networking. Proteus: A Journal of Ideas, 31(1), 21-31.
Small, N. (2017). (Re)Kindle: On the value of storytelling for technical communication. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 47(2), 234-53.
Small, N. (2017). Risking our foundations: Honor, codes, and authoritarian spaces. In S. Gray, H. Bashir, & S. Keck (Eds.), Western higher education in Asia and the Middle East: Politics, economics, and pedagogy (pp. 223-42). Rowan and Littlefield/Lexington Press.
Small, N. (2015). Culture and Qatar’s globalized citizenry: Challenges for the public sphere. In H. Bashir & P. Gray (Eds.), Deconstructing global citizenship: Political, cultural and ethical perspectives (pp. 285-302). Rowan and Littlefield/Lexington Press.
Cunningham, L., Kirkscey, R., Reynolds-Dyk, A., Small, N., Tran, C., & Tucker, V. (2015). Rhetorical grounding & an agile attitude: Complex systems, multi-genre testing, & service learning in UX. Journal of Usability Studies, 10(4), 182-94.
Lail, B., Dragga, S., Williams, J., Small, N. Roof, D., & Lail, S. (2013). User-centered engineering ethics curricula. IEEE Technology and Society, 32(2), 59-65.
Public Humanities, Teaching Materials, Book Reviews
Small, N. & Stone, E. (Eds.) (2024). Positionality Stories. Blog Collection.
Small, N. (31 July 2024). Standing on a beach: The longing of being passed by. Positionality Stories.
Small, N. (28 Mar 2024). Positionality, our prickle of porcupines. Positionality Stories.
Conway, A., Pifer, E., Powell, K. W., & Small, N. (Eds.) (2024). Bale: An Annotated Bibliography of Storytelling and Narrative. CSU Press/WAC Clearinghouse.
Hutson, S. & Small, N, Eds. (2018). Writing @7200 feet: A beginner’s guide to college composition and rhetoric. 2nd edition. Hayden-McNeil. Custom textbook.
Small, N. (2012). [Review of the book Performing prose: The study and practice of style in composition, by C. Holcomb and M. J. Killingsworth]. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. 42(1) 91-96.
Small, N. (2006). [Review of the book Online education: Global questions, local answers, by K.C. Cook and K. Grant-Davie]. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. 36(2) 201-225.
Small, N. (2002). Instructor’s Manual for Houp, Pearsall, Tebeaux, and Dragga. Reporting technical information. 11th edition. Oxford UP.
Small, N. (2000). [Review of the book Literacy in a digital world: Teaching and learning in the age of information, by K. Tyner]. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication. 30(2) 179-83.